
Voices of Women. In the shadow of settlements

This report analyzes WCLAC through different testimonies of Palestinian women, the effects on the Palestinian population in the colonies and violations of international law.

2010 report on Israeli violations of human rights of Palestinian women

Corina Mora (Platform 2015 and more)

This report by the organization WCLAC - Women Center for Legal Aid and Councelling, is part of a series of reports produced and translated under the Convention "Support for peace building initiatives between Palestinians and Israelis, through the strengthening of organizations of both civil society, political and social dialogue and knowledge, protection and awareness of the international law and human rights "funded by the AECI and executed by a consortium of 6 organizations Platform 2015 and (ACSUR the Segovias IEPALA , Mundubat, CEAR, Habitáfrica, International Solidarity).

This report analyzes WCLAC through different testimonies of Palestinian women, the effects on the Palestinian population in the colonies and violations of international law.

One of the objectives of this paper is to highlight the impact of gender in employment and how women are particularly affected by the specific violations of their rights. So through an analysis based on international law issues are discussed as settler violence against Palestinians, harassment, arrests, arbitrary imprisonment, the effects of the wall and check points, displacement, problems family reunification.

For each of these issues is a summary of the issue, a legal analysis and finally the testimony of women.

Voices of Women. In the shadow of the settlement (PDF - 3.1 MB)

1 commento:

  1. One Day the will get what they desreve!!!!!!!!!!
    like hell and fire..........
