
Israel continued violation of international resolutions

President of Lebanon Michel Suleiman on Tuesday condemned the latest attack Israel regime against Lebanese territory and branded as a violation of Resolution 1701 of the Security Council of the United Nations Organization (UNO).

Continuing acts of sabotage of the regime of Israel, as the mining and spying devices in southern Lebanon show that the Israeli occupation continues but otherwise, said the Lebanese president.

According to Suleiman, the Tel Aviv regime violates both the sovereignty of Lebanon and Resolution 1701, which stresses the sovereignty and political independence of Lebanon.

The air forces of the regime of Israel on Monday destroyed a spy device that had been placed in southern Lebanon to monitor a communication network of the Islamic Resistance Movement in Lebanon (Hezbollah), having been discovered by that movement.

"Resistance in a failed attempt to spy the enemy, which forms part of their aggression, which constitutes a violation of sovereignty (Lebanese)" according to a statement issued by Hezbollah.

Resolution 1701 was adopted on August 11, 2006 to end the invasion of the Israeli regime's army to Lebanon.

Historical document: Manifesto on the question of Eretz-Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict - 1967

Manifesto on the question of Eretz-Israel and the Israeli-Arab

Explanatory introduction

The statement that presented here was approved by the Central Committee of the Israeli Socialist Organization in early May 1967, and was destined to appear in the June of the newspaper "Matzpen". When the material was ready for printing, war broke out (6 days, N. of T.), most of the comrades of the organization were recruited to the army, and there was no power to make the newspaper.

We present here the contents of the statement along with explanatory (which also were ready for printing in early June 1967) about the circumstances under which the statement was published in Europe. We do not present this here as museum exhibit. We are convinced that even though circumstances have changed, the position expressed in the statement is still correct even today.

In times of tension between the main fields on both sides of the conflict, are we, members of the Israeli Socialist Organization, a special attraction in understanding relationships to be forged between the forces of the left opposition in Israel and worldwide Arabic.

There is still a global organization that unites all the world revolutionary socialist parties. Or is it more correct to say such an organization does not exist officially.

But meanwhile, and until the creation of an organization like that (and hopefully not too long for it), there are close informal contacts between socialist countries. In particular, we maintain friendly contacts with people of different revolutionary currents, especially in Europe. One of the most beneficial results of these contacts is that our brothers in the struggle to act (in the most adverse conditions) in Arab countries, they know us and our business, and we know of them. We learned from our experience that one obstacle to the dissemination of our ideas in the broad sectors Israelis is the impression (reinforced by official propaganda from both sides) that the Arabs seek to destroy Israel and "push the Jews into the sea" .

Similarly, one of the obstacles faced by the progressive forces in the Arab world is under the impression that in Israel there are forces interested in an agreement based on the negation of Zionism and commitment to socialism. On the basis of entanglement of a non-Zionist Israel in a regional socialist unity.

There is somehow a great fortune in the fact that Israeli Arabs know that there are forces that see the Arab-Israeli problem, not a nationalist stance but from a socialist point of view, who exhibited against Israel perspective of coexistence the Middle East. Parallel to this, the fact of knowledge about the existence of the Israeli Socialist Organization, their positions and activism, allows Arab socialists fight more successfully against the nationalist and right in the Arab world, and offer to their people the prospect of a socialist solution to the problem of relations with Israel.

Each year, May 15 (Independence Day for Israel, and day of the Nakba, the disaster for the Palestinians. N. of T.) are performed in different parts of the Arab world demonstrations by Arabs themselves. The reason: the problem of Eretz-Israel.

Generally these statements appropriates nationalist tenor of the worst kind, and even listen tenors are clearly anti-Semitic.

However, this year we learned that the demonstration would take place in Paris, prepared the socialist-internationalist Arab groups to respond in an open battle. To defeat the anti-Semitic tenor and display a non-nationalist stance, they invited Nathan Weinstock, a young Belgian Jewish socialist, to speak at the meeting. We feel a moral obligation then to companion Weinstock send a copy of the manifest which we publish below, which presented a socialist solution to the Israeli-Arab problem. The manifesto reaffirmed our opposition to Zionism on the one hand and Arab nationalist vision that denies the right to self-determination of the Jewish people on the other.

Meanwhile, [the Israeli daily] "Yediot Haajaronot" and "Maariv" published an information that the demonstration did take place, this time was particularly massive, attracting groups on the left, and that Comrade Weinstock she spoke and read our manifesto. Despite the negative comments from angry journalists in the evening papers, whose origin is simply that the manifesto of Matzpen attacks Zionism, are we convinced that this document played an important service to the Jewish-Arab understanding.


MAY 1967

This month will mark 19 years of creation of the State of Israel. During these 19 years, the Arab-Israeli conflict is not about a solution. The problem of Eretz Israel is still an open wound on the body of the Near East, uninterrupted source of bloodshed, suffering and evil; heavy burden on regional economic resources, a pretext for military intervention and imperialist aggression, terrible threat world peace.

It is particularly serious the situation of the Arabs of Eretz-Israel, direct victims of the wars of 1948 and the conspiracy of the "friendly enemies": Ben Gurion and Abdullah. Most of the Arabs of the Land of Israel were dispossessed of their homes and lands during the 1948 war and later to her, and became refugees living until today in suffering and adversity in refugee camps outside the State of Israel. Israel's leaders flatly refuse to recognize their basic right to return to their homeland. The Arabs who remained in the territory of Israel suffer deeply as victims of economic oppression, civil and national levels.

Israel was during these 19 years an isolated island in the region. A state with only formal independence, dependent from the economically and politically by imperialist powers, especially the United States. He served continuously as a tool in the hands of these powers against the Arab nation, against the progressive forces in the Arab world. The expression (though not only) the role of official Israeli policy was in 1956 when the government of Israel joined the Anglo-French imperialism in an aggressive conspiracy against Egypt, and even supplied him with a pretext to those powers for military intervention.

The state of war and hostility between Israel and neighboring Arab countries remains 19 years ago, and driving Zionist Israel has no real prospect of changing this situation. The Israeli policy is at a dead end.
The economic crisis currently prevailing in Israel, and that causes severe unemployment to workers and great misery to the masses, highlights the fact that the State of Israel will exist over time in its current form, as a State Zionist disconnected from the region where you are.

Indeed, the current situation is contrary to the interests of the Arab masses. Israel, in its current form, represents an obstacle in the struggle of the masses against imperialism and the Arab Socialist Union. The continuation of this situation is contrary to the interests of the Israeli masses.

Israeli Socialist Organization, which counts among its ranks with members of Arab and Jewish states, says the problem deEretz-Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict can and must be resolved in a socialist and internationalist, taking into account the unique characteristics its kind of this complicated problem.

This is not a common national conflict between two peoples, therefore, is not enough to call the "coexistence based on mutual recognition of the just national rights of both peoples."

The State of Israel is the result of colonization deEretz-Israel by the Zionist movement, on account of the Arab people, under the aegis of imperialism. In its current form, Zionist State of Israel is also an instrument for the continuation of "the Zionist enterprise."

The Arab world can not accept the fact that in this vicinity there is a Zionist state, whose stated purpose is not to serve his own people, but to be cutting edge, a political tool and target for immigration of all Jews the world. The Zionist character of Israel is contrary to the true interests of the Israeli masses, because it means the country's perpetual dependence on foreign factors.

Therefore we are convinced that the solution of the problem requires the deionization of Israel. The State of Israel must go through a profound revolutionary change that transforms from a Zionist state (ie, a state of all Jews in the world), a socialist state representing the interests of the people who inhabit it. In particular, abolish the "Law of Return", which grants all Jews the world the absolute and automatic right to immigrate to Israel and become citizens. All immigration application will be decided separately and in particular without any racial or religious discrimination.

The problem of Palestinian refugees is the most painful part of the Israeli-Arab conflict.

We therefore hold that it is essential to any refugee possible so wishes, to return to Israel and receive full social and economic restoration. Refugees who choose, of their own will, not to return, you must reward them fully for the loss of property and suffering caused to them.

It is necessary to abolish all laws and regulations aimed at discrimination and oppression of the Arab population in Israel and the confiscation of their lands. In all seizures and damage (in land, property and personal injury) that occurred because of these laws and regulations, it is obligatory to give full compensation.

The deionization of Israel also determines the cancellation of the Zionist foreign policy, serving imperialist interests. Israel must take an active part in the struggle of the Arabs against imperialism and for building the socialist Arab unity.

Zionist settlement in Eretz-Israel differs in a basic aspect of colonization in other countries: while in other countries the settlers created their economy based on exploitation of the workforce of local people in Eretz-Israel settlement was done by means of displacement and dispossession of the local population.

This created a special complication of the problem of Eretz-Israel, as a result of Zionist settlement, was established in Eretz-Israel Jewish nation [2], with national characteristics (common language, separate economy, etc..). Even more: this nation has a capitalist class structure, there are exploiters and exploited it, bourgeoisie and proletariat.

The argument that this nation was created artificially, and on account of the local Arab population does not change the fact that the Hebrew nation now exists. Ignoring this fact would be a disastrous mistake.

The solution to the problem of Eretz-Israel should not only correct the damage done to the Arabs of Eretz Israel by the Zionist, but to ensure the national future of the Jewish masses. These masses were brought to Eretz-Israel Zionism, but they are not responsible for the acts of Zionism. An attempt to punish the workers and Israeli masses for the sins of Zionism could not solve the problem of Eretz-Israel, but only bring further tragedies.

The same Arab nationalist leaders, those who call for jihad for the liberation of Palestine, obviate the fact that while Israel was militarily defeated and cease to exist as a state, even then there is the Hebrew nation. If the problem of the existence of that nation is not a correct solution, again there would be a dangerous national conflict and widespread, causing bloodshed and endless suffering, and serve as a new excuse for imperialist intervention. It is no coincidence that the leaders who called for a "solution" of this type are unable to resolve the problem nor Kurdish.

Additionally, it is necessary to understand that the Israeli masses will not be freed from the influence of Zionism and not fight against it if the progressive forces of the Arab world do not have a common outlook on life, not of national oppression.

Therefore, Israeli Socialist Organization argues that the real solution to the problem of Eretz-Israel demands recognition of self-determination of the Hebrew nation.

National self-determination does not necessarily mean segregation. On the contrary, we hold that in small country with limited natural resources, can not exist as a separate entity. Has only two choices: to remain dependent on foreign powers, or integrated into a regional union.

It follows that the only solution compatible with the interests of the Arab masses and Israelis alike is the integration of Israel as an entity within an economic and political union in the Middle East, on the basis of socialism.

In this context the Hebrew nation may have a national and cultural life of their own, without threatening the Arab world, Arabs and without endangering its existence. The forces of the Israeli masses will join the Arab masses in a common struggle for progress and wealth.

We hold therefore that the problem of Eretz-Israel, like other fundamental problems in the Middle East, can be solved only within the framework of the Socialist Union of the Middle East.

The theoretical analysis and practical experience teach us that Arab unity can be created and exist stably only if you have socialist characteristics.

We conclude therefore proposed solution with the following sentence: deionization of Israel, and incorporating it into the United Socialist States of Middle East.

We are convinced that also the problem of the future of the Arabs of Eretz-Israel must be resolved in the framework that is outlined above.

Some believe that justice requires the creation of a special Palestinian Arab political entity. In our opinion, this question must be determined by the Arabs of Eretz-Israel, without foreign interference.

However, in our opinion, the position that the political future of the Arabs of Eretz-Israel is a separate entity, independent of the issue of Arab socialist unity, is a serious error. Today, the Arabs of Eretz-Israel are in the forefront of fighting for unity. If placed before them a separate objective and independent, it can cause serious harm to the purpose of Arab unification. Furthermore, the creation of a small isolated Arab state is not compatible with the interests of the Arab nation or the interests of the Palestinian Arab people within it.

Therefore we argue that if the Arabs of Eretz-Israel every right to decide with the creation of a political entity own political and territorial arrangements needed must be made within the framework of the creation of a Middle Eastern Socialist Unity. A settlement of this type should help especially those countries that today control parts of Eretz-Israel: Israel, Jordan and Egypt.
We call on the Arab Socialist revolutionary forces and other countries to analyze this our program and open a broad discussion in order to consolidate a common position on the Middle East issue.

(Published in Hebrew in the No. 36 of "Matzpen" (Compass), June-July 1967 and in Arabic in the pamphlet "Three Manifestoes," edited by "Matzpen", July 1967)

Central Committee of the Israeli Socialist Organization.
May 1967


[1] N. T.: Although the name "Eretz-Israel", the "Land of Israel" Zionist-chauvinist connotations have even mystical-biblical, and the use of that name may be an ideological weakness on the part of revolutionaries who wrote the This manifesto, felt it necessary to leave it in the translation in its original form. In the 60 twentieth century was fully accepted as the name "normal" country. Other translations use the name "Palestine" and in my opinion does not reflect the original intent of the authors.
[2] N. T.: Some translations into other languages ​​I've read here use the term "Jewish nation" instead of "Hebrew nation". Believe that translation wrong. In the original Hebrew clearly says "Hebrew nation" and it is the intention of the authors of the manifesto refer exclusively to the Jewish masses living in Israel and their language is Hebrew, not the mystical concept of "Jewish nation" used worldwide by Zionism.

According to the UN, Palestinian refugees in Syria remain outside the conflict
The half million Palestinian refugees in Syria stays out of the conflict that is bleeding the country of the Middle East, told Efe the Colombian Felipe Sanchez, representing the UN body that provides assistance to this population.

"In Syria there are about 475,000 refugees who fortunately have not been involved so far in this maelstrom of violence," he said in an interview with the representative of the United Nations Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Middle East (UNRWA, for its acronym in English)

"But if conditions change, it could become quite complicated, the potential consequences for residents," said Sanchez, who these days he toured Latin America.

The UN aims to countries with emerging economic and political prominence as Brazil, Argentina and Chile are involved more directly in the search for a solution to the conflict in the Middle East.

Currently, there are 5 million Palestinian refugees, of which 1.5 million live in camps distributed by Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

Outside the Middle East, Chile has the largest community of Palestinian origin, with 350,000 people, according to the UN.

UNRWA, founded in 1949, shortly after the first war that expelled the Palestinians from the territory in which they lived, is the only UN agency dedicated exclusively to addressing the situation of an ethnic group or nation in conflict.

This agency also provides services to people displaced by the Arab-Israeli wars of 1967 and other later in the area.

"The problem of refugees shows a failure of politics, the peace process has been postponed and this great concern, especially because in the last period no signs of progress but of stagnation," said Sanchez, in charge of UNRWA in the West Bank.

"In Gaza there are a million and half people living in a strip 40 km long by 5 wide, with one of the highest population densities in the world and live a block scheme for the international community considers illegal," explains.

"70 percent of the population suffers great stress, the stress of violence, lack of economic opportunity, if disconnected from the rest of Palestine and the world," he notes.

Six out of ten Palestinian refugees living in Gaza are youths with no prospects. In this group "ideologies flourish alternatives that are attractive, because it gives them an identity, security, and the consequences it brings," the official UNRWA.

Since the 50's, when Egypt emerged in the political movement led by Abdel Nasser and a group of young officers, "there had been an emergence of pan-Arab ideas like making the rounds again in the region," said Sanchez, referring to the process of change in which is immersed the Arab world.

"This creates high expectations among the population, including Palestinian refugees," but the capacity of countries in which they live and help from the international community is limited.

"If the refugee issue is not placed on the table quickly, we can enter a cycle of instability," warns the head.

Working with UNRWA 31,000 people (30,000 of them Palestinians) that a budget of $ 655 million provided to refugees vital services like education, health and humanitarian assistance.

Its main objective is "to help alleviate suffering, waiting for a solution that is fair," but unlike the UNHCR (the UN High Commissioner for Refugees), UNRWA can not offer legal recognition or protection , because the Palestinians do not belong to any state.

Palestinian refugees make up a third of the refugee population in the world. More than half of them children under 15 whose parents and grandparents were born in refugee camps, says Professor Karma Nabulsi, a researcher in political science who lives in the UK.

Half a century later, still living in the same fields waiting for a solution to the conflict by the international community, said Nabulsi in a document published on the website

But "the mandate of the UNRWA-Sanchez points out, is not solving the refugee problem, but merely to help in both parties arrive at a just and lasting solution," which recognizes that it is still far away.

Kadima would leave the Israeli government if not the ultra-Orthodox recruits

The leader of Kadima, Shaul Mofaz, has threatened on Wednesday to quit the coalition government of Israel if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, does not accept the recommendations of a committee on the participation of ultra-Orthodox Jews and Arabs in the national military or civil.

Plesner Committee, chaired by Deputy Yohanan Plesner (Kadima), was formed to draft a law that would require Israeli Arabs and ultra-Orthodox Jews do military service or, alternatively, the national civil service. But Netanyahu dissolved the committee on Monday over the protests of religious leaders.

The committee has determined that, by 2016, nearly 80 percent of ultra-Orthodox Jews who reach the age of recruitment must perform national military service, which will last two years, or civil, which will last for 18 months.

Those opposed will be punished with fines or even imprisonment. In addition, the ultra-Orthodox rebellious lose the benefits they enjoy in the tax area and access to housing and scholarships, according to the committee.

In addition, over 22 years shall not postpone the time of service, except a group of 1,500 seminarians each year (currently 50,000), the service period may be extended to meet recruitment goals and you can not reduce the period minimum.

Mofaz said during a Kadima meeting that the Committee's report Plesner "is the result of the first big test" of the association of his party and the Likud, the party headed by the Executive.

"I hope the Prime Minister take the decision of the committee. It is our condition for remaining in office. The ball is in your court, and a matter of days," warned Mofaz, according to Haaretz.

Mofaz said that Netanyahu broke the agreement of the coalition government to dissolve the committee, which, nevertheless, has published its recommendations on Wednesday. Kadima is the largest party in Israel and the Israeli Government and covers 28 of the 120 seats in Parliament. The Likud has 27 seats, and 16 are held by religious parties.

Minister of Housing and ultra-Orthodox Shas party member, Ariel Attias, told Israel Radio that the plan proposed by the committee is "unenforceable", especially as regards fines for rebellious seminarians.

You need a new law

We need a new law because the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional the rule that currently governs the system of exemptions for ultra-Orthodox Jews and Israeli Arabs, whose term ends on August 1. Kadima agreed to join the Government last May with the condition that they draft an alternative law.

As for the recruitment of Israeli Arabs, the Yisrael Beiteinu party chairman and foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, has asked that all who reach draft age - about 30,000 - perform national service.

Plesner The Committee has indicated that the principle that all citizens must perform the service should be applied both to Arab Israelis and Jewish Israelis, and calls for tripling over the next five years the number of Arabs who perform military service (currently about 2,400).


La detenzione amministrativa è una misura di restrizione della libertà individuale applicata da Israele , in maniera arbitraria e illegale contro il popolo palestinese, a suo dire  "per ragioni di sicurezza".
Nell'ordinamento di Israele tale provvedimento si basa sulla Legge sull'autorità in stato d'emergenza emanata nel 1945 durante il mandato britannico della Palestina e modificata nel 1979. 
Sebbene già nel 1951 la Knesset in seduta plenaria invitò il Comitato per la Costituzione, Legge e Giustizia a redigere una proposta di legge per abrogare la detenzione amministrativa sulla base della violazione dei principi democratici. La norma non è stata modificata ed è ancora in vigore. solo e unicamente per i cittadini arabi ed è  prevalentemente applicato verso i presunti militanti pro-palestinesi e loro complici  in base anche solo a sospetti non supportati da alcuna prova che indichi un qualsiasi misfatto. 
In Cisgiordania e nella Striscia di Gaza, ogni comandante dell'esercito locale può diramare un ordine di detenzione amministrativa, che può essere appellato presso la locale corte militare e, se negato, alla suprema corte. Anche in questo caso, l'ordine è valido per sei mesi, ma può essere rinnovato a tempo indefinito dall'autorità.
secondo il vicepresidente del Consiglio europeo Luisa Morgantini, «la detenzione amministrativa è consentita dal diritto internazionale, ma soltanto con severe restrizioni alla sua applicazione, al fine di prevenire il pericolo per la sicurezza nazionale rappresentato da un particolare individuo. Israele non ha tuttavia mai specificato i criteri in base ai quali viene definito il concetto di "sicurezza nazionale". Pertanto il suo ricorso alla detenzione amministrativa viola le restrizioni previste dal diritto internazionale».
Il 9 luglio 2008, il Presidente in carica del consiglio europeo, Jean-Pierre Jouyet, ha affermato che «il Consiglio invita Israele a intraprendere iniziative significative, in particolare come priorità la liberazione di donne, bambini e rappresentanti regolarmente eletti che si trovano in prigione o in detenzione amministrativa». Ma anche questo invito è stato totalmente ignorato da Israele.
Attualmente nelle carceri israeliane vi sono circa 11.000 detenuti, tra i quali 376 bambini118 donne44 membri del Consiglio Legislativo Palestinese e circa 800 persone in detenzione amministrativa»

n un nuovo rapporto su Israele, Amnesty International ha chiesto che tutti i palestinesi sottoposti a detenzione amministrativa siano rilasciati oppure incriminati e sottoposti a un processo equo e  tempestivo. 
Il rapporto, intitolato "Affamati di giustizia: palestinesi detenuti senza processo da Israele", documenta le violazioni dei diritti umani collegate alla detenzione amministrativa, un'eredità delle leggi britanniche che permette la detenzione senza accusa né processo sulla base di ordinanze militari rinnovabili a tempo indeterminato.
I palestinesi sottoposti alla detenzione amministrativa, così come molti altri prigionieri palestinesi, vengono sottoposti a maltrattamenti e torture nel corso degli interrogatori e a trattamenti crudeli e degradanti durante il periodo di carcere, talvolta a mo' di punizione per aver intrapreso scioperi della fame o altre proteste. Inoltre, i palestinesi sottoposti alla detenzione amministrativa e le loro famiglie sono costretti a vivere nell'incertezza di non conoscere per quanto tempo resteranno privati della libertà e nell'ingiustizia di non sapere esattamente perché sono detenuti. Come altri prigionieri palestinesi, vanno incontro a divieti di visite familiari, trasferimenti forzati, espulsioni e periodi d'isolamento.
Queste pratiche violano gli obblighi di Israele rispetto al diritto internazionale dei diritti umani e del diritto internazionale umanitario. Israele ha infatti il dovere di rispettare gli standard sul giusto processo e sui procedimenti equi e di prendere misure efficaci per porre fine ai maltrattamenti e alle torture sui detenuti. Israele deve inoltre consentire le visite familiari a tutti i prigionieri e detenuti palestinesi, e porre fine ai trasferimenti forzati e alle espulsioni. Israele, infine, è obbligato a indagare sulle violazioni dei diritti umani, sottoporre a processo i responsabili e fornire riparazione alle vittime. "Da decenni sollecitiamo Israele a porre fine alla detenzione amministrativa e a rilasciare i detenuti, oppure sottoporli a un processo rispettoso degli standard internazionali per un reato internazionalmente riconosciuto" - ha dichiarato Ann Harrison, vicedirettrice del Programma Medio Oriente e Africa del Nord di Amnesty International.
Negli ultimi mesi, il prolungato sciopero della fame di alcuni palestinesi in detenzione amministrativa, come Khader Adnan e Hana Shalabi, Mahmoud al-Sarsak ha proposto questo tema all'attenzione internazionale. A partire dal 17 aprile, lo sciopero della fame ha coinvolto circa 2000 detenuti palestinesi, molti dei quali stavano scontando condanne o erano in attesa del processo.

Il rapporto di Amnesty International documenta una serie di misure adottate dalla direzione delle carceri (Israel Prison Service - Ips) nei confronti dei prigionieri in sciopero della fame, alcuni dei quali hanno denunciato di aver subito maltrattamenti da parte del personale medico dell'Ips.

"Nonostante molti resoconti di stampa abbiano fatto intendere che Israele avrebbe accettato di rilasciare i palestinesi in detenzione amministrativa alla fine del periodo di detenzione in corso, 'salvo ricevere nuove, significative, informazioni', ci risulta che per quanto riguarda la detenzione senza accusa né processo le cose vadano avanti come sempre" - ha aggiunto Harrison. "Riteniamo che da quando è stato raggiunto l'accordo, siano state rinnovate almeno 30 ordinanze di detenzione amministrativa e ne siano state emanate tre nuove. Le visite ai prigionieri originari della Striscia di Gaza non sono ancora iniziate""Le autorità israeliane hanno il dovere di proteggere ogni persona, in Israele e nei Territori palestinesi occupati, dalle minacce alla loro vita e alla loro integrità fisica. Ma devono farlo in una maniera tale da rispettare i diritti umani" - ha sottolineato Harrison.
"Israele usa da decenni la detenzione amministrativa, che dovrebbe essere un provvedimento eccezionale contro persone che pongono un rischio estremo e imminente per la sicurezza, per aggirare i diritti umani dei detenuti. È un relitto della storia che dovrebbe essere consegnato al passato" - ha concluso Harrison.
Ecco come Israele mantiene gli accordi: 

Hassan Safadi, in sciopero della fame per 72 giorni,  nell'ambito dell'accordo che il 14 maggio ha posto fine allo sciopero della fame di massa dei prigionieri palestinesi, gli era stato promesso il rilascio alla scadenza dell'ordine in corso.

Israele gli ha rinnovato per altri sei mesi l'ordine di detenzione amministrativa.

Durante il suo sciopero della fame, Hassan è stato sottoposto a gravi maltrattamenti da parte delle autorità carcerarie israeliane: mentre veniva tenuto fermo dalle guardie carcerarie, è stato sottoposto a trattamento da un medico del carcere tramite un'iniezione nel braccio. Alla fine dello sciopero della fame, la sua salute si era deteriorata in modo significativo ed era in condizioni critiche.

Hassan è in detenzione amministrativa dal 29 giugno 2011 e questo rinnovo della sua detenzione è una palese violazione dell'accordo tra Comitato dei prigionieri in sciopero della fame e ufficiali israeliani. Addameer teme che questo rinnovo possa spingere Hassan a tornare a praticare lo sciopero della fame, che metterebbe immediatamente a rischio la sua salute.Addameer teme inoltre che il rinnovo del suo ordine di detenzione possa dare il via a una serie di violazioni dell'accordo anche più preoccupanti: per esempio, ora come ora non c'è alcuna garanzia che i detenuti che hanno messo in atto lo sciopero della fame siano rilasciati nelle date concordate.
Per quanto riguarda l'attuazione dell'accordo nel suo complesso, uno dei 19 prigionieri in isolamento da più tempo, Dirar Abu Sisi, non è stato ancora reintegrato fra gli altri carcerati, e un altro prigioniero è stato posto in isolamento la settimana scorsa. Inoltre, le visite dei familiari ai detenuti provenienti da Gaza non sono ancora riprese, anche se è passato oltre un mese da quando l'accordo è stato firmato. Addameer non ha rilevato alcun cambiamento nella politica generale di Israele sulla detenzione amministrativa e teme che queste pratiche possano solo continuare senza una pressione significativa da parte della comunità internazionale. 
non perdiamo di vista questo grave problema facendo il gioco di Israele, che aspetta solo che sbollisca l'attenzione su questo argomento per potere intensificare le sue disumane pratiche sui detenuti amministrativi, fra i quali si trovano anche  376 bambini.




Nella lingua africana la parola “apartheid” ha il significato letterale di “separazione”, per indicare appunto la divisione creata tra la razza bianca e quella nera.
Il termine "'apartheid'" è stato usato in senso politico per la prima volta nel 1917 dal primo ministro sudafricano Jan Smuts, ma solo dopo la vittoria del National Party alle elezioni del 1948l'idea venne trasformata in un sistema legislativo compiuto. I principali ideologi dell'apartheid furono i primi ministri Daniel François Malan (in carica dal 1948 al 1954), Johannes Gerhardus Strijdom (dal 1954 al 1958) e Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd (vero e proprio "architetto dell'apartheid", in carica dal 1958 fino al suo assassinio nel 1966). Quest'ultimo definiva l'apartheid come "una politica di buon vicinato". Tale politica di discriminazione razziale, era composta da vere e proprie   “leggi dell’apartheid”, nelle quali si stabiliva una netta distinzione della popolazione in tre gruppi razziali principali: bianco, nero africano e “coloured”, cioè appartenente ad una razza mista.
In Sudafrica, mentre i neri e i meticci costituivano l'80% circa della popolazione, i bianchi si dividevano in coloni di origine inglese ed afrikaner. Gli afrikaner, che costituivano la maggioranza della popolazione bianca, erano da sempre favorevoli ad una politica razzista; mentre i sudafricani di origine inglese, malgrado il sostanziale appoggio dell'apartheid, erano più concilianti nei confronti dei connazionali neri.
Con le elezioni del 1923 vennero introdotti nel paese i primi elementi di segregazione razziale, ma nel 1939 Jan Smuts (ex capo del governo sudafricano) tornò al potere e il nazionalismo afrikaner non poté proseguire il suo progetto politico.
Durante la seconda guerra mondiale un gruppo di intellettuali afrikaner influenzati dal nazismo completò la teorizzazione del progetto dell'apartheid. La filosofia dell'apartheid affermava di voler dare ai vari gruppi razziali la possibilità di condurre il proprio sviluppo sociale in armonia con le proprie tradizioni. Più tardi venne creata un'organizzazione segreta per promuovere gli interessi degli afrikaner.

Un’ulteriore distinzione venne introdotta dopo: quella tra indiani e pakistani. Queste leggi regolavano e condizionavano i comportamenti quotidiani di ogni individuo a seconda della categoria cui apparteneva. Le relazioni interrazziali non erano affatto favorite, anzi: esistevano luoghi da frequentare separatamente, zone dei mezzi pubblici riservate solo ai bianchi, spiagge a cui i neri non potevano accedere.

Istituzione dell'apartheid 
L'apartheid prese definitivamente forma nel 1948. Le principali leggi che costituivano il sistema erano[3]:
  • proibizione dei matrimoni interrazziali;
  • legge secondo la quale avere rapporti sessuali con una persona di razza diversa diventava un fatto penalmente perseguibile;
  • legge che imponeva ai cittadini di essere registrati in base alle loro caratteristiche razziali (Population Registration Act);
  • legge che permetteva di bandire ogni opposizione che venisse etichettata dal governo come "comunista" (usata per mettere fuorilegge nel 1960 l'African National Congress (ANC), la più grande organizzazione politica che includeva i neri, di stampo socialista, ma non comunista);
  • legge che proibiva alle persone di diverse razze di entrare in alcune aree urbane;
  • legge che proibiva a persone di colore diverso di utilizzare le stesse strutture pubbliche (fontane, sale d'attesa, marciapiedi, etc.);
  • legge che prevedeva una serie di provvedimenti tutti tesi a rendere più difficile per i neri l'accesso all'istruzione;
  • legge che sanciva la discriminazione razziale in ambito lavorativo;
  • legge che istituiva i bantustan, ghetti per la popolazione nera, nominalmente indipendenti ma in realtà sottoposti al controllo del governo sudafricano;
  • legge che privava della cittadinanza sudafricana e dei diritti a essa connessi gli abitanti dei bantustan.
  • legge che costringeva la popolazione nera a poter frequentare i quartieri della gente "bianca" solo con degli speciali passaporti
Nel 1956 la politica di apartheid fu estesa a tutti i cittadini di colore, compresi gli asiatici. Negli anni sessanta, 3,5 milioni di neri, chiamati bantu, furono sfrattati con la forza dalle loro case e deportati nelle "homeland del sud". I neri furono privati di ogni diritto politico e civile. Potevano frequentare solo l'istituzione di scuole agricole e commerciali speciali. I negozi dovevano servire tutti i clienti bianchi prima dei neri. Dovevano avere speciali passaporti interni per muoversi nelle zone bianche, pena l'arresto.

Lotta contro l'apartheid

Un cartello dell'epoca dell'apartheid
In un primo tempo sia neri che bianchi organizzarono proteste contro l'apartheid, in genere brutalmente soffocate dalle forze di sicurezza governative. Nei primi anni sessanta l'Umkhonto we Sizwe, l'ala armata dell'ANC, iniziò a usare la forza, limitandosi però ad azioni di sabotaggiocontro obiettivi strategici come centrali elettriche e altre infrastrutture. Nel 1975, i burocrati decisero di fare rispettare una legge a lungo dimenticata: ogni norma doveva essere scritta in lingua afrikaans. La legge fu estesa a tutte le scuole, imponendo che le lezioni fossero tenute metà in inglese e metà in afrikaans.[4]
Forti furono anche le pressioni internazionali, anche nel mondo dello sport; infatti a causa dell'apartheid il Sudafrica fu escluso fino agli anni ottanta dalle partecipazioni alle Olimpiadi. Inoltre ci fu il boicottaggio africano alle Olimpiadi del 1976, come protesta perché la nazionale di rugbyneozelandese aveva giocato alcune partite con la squadra sudafricana.

Nel 1912 fu fondato l’African National Congress (ANC) da un’organizzazione di neri, per contrastare l’apartheid. Il governo rispose violentemente con la repressione, sopprimendo le organizzazioni che lottavano per eliminare le differenze razziali, ma dovette cedere quando il Sudafrica venne isolato e condannato a livello internazionale proprio a causa dell’apartheid.
Le cose cominciarono a cambiare dagli anni Settanta, quando il governo permise alle rappresentanze sindacali dei neri di entrare in politica. Le Nazioni Unite intervennero a condannare apertamente la politica razziale dell’apartheid nel 1961.
Le pressioni internazionali per fermare l’apartheid giunsero anche da altri settori, come quello sportivo: il Sudafrica venne escluso dalle Olimpiadi nel 1980, e qualche anno prima, nel 1976, l’Africa boicottò le Olimpiadi in segno di protesta.
Nel 1984 fu promulgata una Costituzione che attribuì la rappresentanza parlamentare solo ai bianchi e ai “coloured”, mentre ai neri non fu estesa tale possibilità. Nel 1990 fu eliminata la condanna nei riguardi dell’African National Congress, ed il presidente Frederick de Klerk liberò Nelson Mandela, il fautore della lotta contro l’apartheid.
Nel 1993, proprio grazie all’intervento di Mandela, il Sudafrica gettò le prime basi per la democrazia. Nel 1994 Nelson Mandela fu eletto presidente del governo, che comprendeva al suo interno anche il Partito Nazionale. Mandela è il primo presidente nero in tutta la storia del continente sudafricano.
Nelson Mandela
Nel 1994 per la prima volta tutte le razze ebbero uguale diritto di voto. Militante del movimento anti-apartheid, Nelson Mandela è nato a Mvezo il 18 luglio 1918. La sua attività a favore del riconoscimento dei diritti dei neri lo ha reso un eroe, un paladino della libertà.
Proprio a causa della sua lotta contro ogni forma di discriminazione razziale il politico sudafricano viene arrestato e accusato di tradimento. Il 12 giugno 1964 viene condannato all’ergastolo. Anche durante la prigionia, Mandela seguì sempre con grande interesse ed entusiasmo l’attività del movimento che intanto raccoglieva grandi consensi. Lo slogan “Nelson Mandela libero” era inneggiato in tutto il mondo: le campagne anti-apartheid erano ormai presenti dappertutto.
Nelson Mandela restò in carcere fino al 1990, dopo ventisette anni di prigionia, fu rilasciato a Febbraio per ordine del presidente sudafricano F.W. de Klerk. Ottenuta la carica di Presidente del governo sudafricano, nel 1994, Mandela affidò la vicepresidenza proprio a de Klerk.
Nel 1999 Mandela lasciò il mandato, pur continuando sempre la sua battaglia a favore dei diritti sociali ed umani. A Nelson Mandela è stato consegnato il Nobel per la pace nel 1993. Nel 2008, in occasione del novantesimo compleanno di Mandela, si è svolto un grande concerto all’Hyde Park di Londra: erano presenti circa cinquecentomila persone.
La casa in cui il presidente sudafricano visse a Soweto è ora sede di un museo interamente dedicato a lui. Il 27 aprile si celebra l’anniversario delle elezioni a suffragio universale che hanno portato al governo l’African National Congress (ANC) in Sudafrica, ed è appunto considerato il giorno della Festa della Libertà.
La vita di Nelson Mandela è un modello di forza ed eroico coraggio: per questo viene considerato un emblema per le generazioni di tutti i tempi. Monumenti e riconoscimenti gli sono stati attribuiti in tutte le parti del mondo.

L'APARTHEID palestinese
E' assurdo, ma vero: Israele ha imposto nei Territori occupati palestinesi un sistema di apartheid di cui sono vittima i palestinesi. Il regime discriminatorio si manifesta a diversi livelli di intesità e in modalità specifiche contro diverse categorie di Palestinesi, a seconda di dove essi vivono. I palestinesi che vivono sotto un regime militare nei Territori occupati sono soggetti a una forma particolarmente aggravata di apartheid.come è evidente nells Striscia di Gaza..

dove sono tutt'ora in atto:

- L’ampia deprivazione della vita dei palestinesi attraverso operazioni militari, una politica di uccisioni mirate, e l’inusitata violenza contro le manifestazioni;

-Torture e maltrattamenti dei palestinesi in un diffuso contesto di privazione delle libertà attraverso una politica di arresti arbitrari anche di minorenni (detenzione amministrativa senza processo).

- Costruzione di muri alti 8 metri che costringono i palestinesi di Gaza a vivere dentro un recinto , una sorta di ghetto da dove è impossibile uscire e difficilissimo entrare. La costruzione di questi muri della vergogna continua e adesso Israele sta limitando anche l'accesso a Gerusalemme nella zona della Cisgiordania. 

-Una sistematica violazione dei diritti umani che preclude lo sviluppo  e impedisce ai palestinesi di svolgere una normale vita politica, economica, sociale e culturale. I coloni israeliani continuano ad avanzare  distruggendo abitazioni e uliveti e insediandosi  I molti profughi palestinesi sono anch’essi vittime di apartheid in virtù del perpetuarsi della negazione del loro diritto al ritorno nele loro case così come delle leggi che hanno rimosso i loro diritti alla proprietà e alla cittadinanza. Le politiche di trasferimento coatto della popolazione rimangono costanti, soprattutto nei Territori occupati;

-I diritti civili e politici dei palestinesi, incluso il diritto al movimento, alla casa, all’espressione e alla libera associazione sono pesantemente limitati. I diritti socio economici dei palestinesi sono inoltre condizionati negativamente dalle politiche discriminatorie israeliane nelle sfere dell’educazione, della salute e dell’abitare.
.......................................E IL MONDO STA A GUARDARE?
Allah s.w.t is always with the patient ones, the ones who have done no wrong and the ones who have been wronged. allah s.w.t is the most merciful and most just..
also, this world is best for the nonbelievers, while the next world will be hell for them, and this world will be hell for the true believers - both the palestinian christians and muslims - and the next world will be best for them inshallah... for they were tested by allah s.w.t more..
everyone has suffered in a way, that does not mean that allah s.w.t does not exist. we have to go through hardship sometimes, to see the beauty of things.. life isnt easy.
If you are asking for my point of view, I would say that the Palestinians should go back to Palestine
Gaza under the eyes of their children

A few months ago I had occasion to visit the exhibition "Gaza under the eyes of their children" in Weaver. This exhibition is a series of films selected by the "Foundation Middle East Partnership for Children '(MECA) that were meant to be displayed at the Museum of Children's Art in Oakland (San Francisco Bay) where he eventually was suspended due to pressures received.

I have no words to express the emotions I felt when observing each of the drawings with your message, but I can say I felt very sad to see how some are stealing the laughter and the future opportunities for Palestinian children, and also a lot of indignation at the thought of living in a society in which they are tolerating injustice so enormous in size with the Palestinian people.

I invite you to visit the exhibition in The Weaver. In advance of it I have left the previous video montage and leave you messages too (some tearing) of the children who have developed each of the drawings:

We are children who live life on the border, narrow streets, we have no places to play. We could laugh and dream about security?!. When ending the occupation?! (Nizar Ismail, 8 years, refugee camp of Al-Fara'a).

A message to the world's children of a Palestinian child who has no desires. I ask you to accept my message, live your life and not lose your time in sadness (Khaled Soboh, 13, Um-Zinat, Haifa).

I have the right to live and sleep in peace as you do. I have the right to education and refugees returning to their homes. There should be no discrimination between children of the world (Hind Abu Yusef, 14, Abasan Al-Kabira, Gaza).

I hope that children all over the world live together in security and freedom (Islam Abi Dib, 14, Bani Shaila, Gaza).

I go to school and love it. I like to play. I see on TV as children play, swim, run and have it all (Amal, 5 years).

I want to thank the children of the world for their solidarity with us, want to live as you live. I need affection, love and compassion. I want to be a teacher (Hanin Abu Did, 11, Bani Shaila, Gaza).

I want to be a teacher and allow children to play away from cars, but I do not know what to do with the Israelis (Rand Ismael, age 7, Al-Fara'a).

I have the right to live in freedom and security, and to express my opinion (Ahmad Abu Dan, 13, Bani Shaila, Gaza).

Greetings to the world's children. My heart fills with joy in the Universal Children's Day (Mabu'ut Abu Yusef, 14, Abasan Al-Kabira, Gaza).

I am a Palestinian girl from the village of Sabbarin. I hope that all children are happy in the Universal Children's Day (Tasbih Abu Hasan, 7, Sabbarin).

My hope is that we return to our land and live in freedom and not fight among ourselves because we have the right to live in security and freedom (Salah Saeed, 13).

I love my brothers and friends, and I hope that the wall and disappear for no barriers away from them and to see them forever (Tasneem Khader, 13, Sharayet Um, Ramallah).

I dream of being a lawyer to defend the rights of our Palestinian people and force the Israelis to return the usurped lands to build their settlements and the wall. The wall that separated the Palestinian territories, families, friends, farmers from their land, workers from their jobs and children from their schools (Fanoun Ameer, 12, refugee camp of Al-Ama'ari).

I want every child in the world and want to be like you, thank you very much for your support and celebrate with us on the Universal Day of Children (Muhanad Qdaih, 13 years).

My name is Elijah, I am a Palestinian child from the village of Um Zinat in Haifa, I hope that our land is free, we can live in dignity and have all our rights as the rest of the world's children (Elijah Suboh, 11, field Fra'a refugees from Um Al-Zinat, Haifa).

Palestinians were pleased to achieve that Bethlehem is a UNESCO World Heritage

Palestinian officials today welcomed the Basilica of the Nativity and the Pilgrimage Route in Bethlehem have been included, with a single candidacy on the List of World Heritage in Danger UNESCO.

"This is the result of diplomatic efforts undertaken by the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) with members of the Committee of UNESCO, and the vote demonstrates the Palestinian people's right to protect their heritage," he told the media the Minister Palestinian Tourism and Archaeology, Roly Maiyaa.

The decision was adopted by thirteen votes in favor, six against and two abstentions, according to the World Heritage Committee of the organization.

This is the first time that the ANP, accepted as full member of UNESCO in December 2011, requesting the inclusion of a Palestinian site on the List of World Heritage.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian foreign minister, Riyad Malki, said at a news conference in St. Petersburg, where they held the vote and before the applause of the participants: "You have our heartfelt thanks," reads the Palestinian news agency independent "Maan".

Palestine, he added, is "the cradle of human civilization", before announcing that more applications will be submitted to villages south of Jerusalem and threatened by the Israeli separation wall are included in the list of protected world heritage.

In Bethlehem, Deputy Mayor George Saade thanked all the countries that gave their support to the Palestinian demand.

"We feel that justice has been done and we are very happy. Everyone is happy in Bethlehem and Palestine," he added.

The PLO leader, Hanan Ashrawi welcomed the decision which he described as a moment of "national pride".

"The Palestinian people are celebrating this decision as a moment of national pride and affirmation of their rich and unique heritage and identity," he said in a statement after the vote.

The Palestinians called for urgent registration due to degradation of the architectural complex in Bethlehem.

"Bethlehem, the Old City and its churches were victims of deliberate Israeli military attacks in 1977 and again between 2001 and 2002," said the Palestinian authorities in an open letter to the committee.

According to Palestinian officials, including the Basilica of the Nativity in the UNESCO list of the necessary measures to ensure its restoration.

Shackles and solitary confinement for children in Palestinian jails 

Iron shackles, abuse, isolation cells. These are the tortures suffered by Palestinian children imprisoned. This was denounced an independent report by a group of British lawyers and supported by the Foreign Ministry.

In the first study of its kind, a group of nine lawyers has investigated the abuses to which children are subjected to Palestinians arrested in Israel. This amazing report, entitled 'Children in military custody', which contains key findings on Wednesday the newspaper 'The Independent' reports that children are dragged from their beds in the middle of the night and forced to lie in front of military vehicles.

These children of the Gaza Strip are locked in a position that could be described as torture, solitary confinement and with little chance of seeing their parents. The British report also denounces mistreatment and physical abuse, and cases in which these children forced to sign statements that can not even read.

Children treated as terrorists

The team that drafted the report, led by Stephen Sedley, Judge of the British Court of Appeal said, quote, that "every Palestinian child is treated as a terrorist." These practices, explains this dramatic text, violated several articles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which prohibits inhuman and degrading treatment. Also contrary to Israeli law, which states that children should be entitled to a lawyer within 48 hours and that in no case be jailed if they are under 14 years. But, in practice, hundreds of children under 12 years are incarcerated each year.

One of the authors of the research, Greg Davies, known defender of human rights, the British newspaper explained how, during a visit to an Israeli military court, in a preview, "a little boy entered the room, wearing shackles legs. "

The report, which states that these practices involve clear cases of torture, has been endorsed by the office of the British Foreign Ministry. The agency has already announced its intention to denounce these practices with the Israeli authorities.

The dramatic situation of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails has been reported repeatedly. Recently, thousands of them seconded a hunger strike lasting nearly a month to demand improved conditions.

Voices of Women. In the shadow of settlements

This report analyzes WCLAC through different testimonies of Palestinian women, the effects on the Palestinian population in the colonies and violations of international law.

2010 report on Israeli violations of human rights of Palestinian women

Corina Mora (Platform 2015 and more)

This report by the organization WCLAC - Women Center for Legal Aid and Councelling, is part of a series of reports produced and translated under the Convention "Support for peace building initiatives between Palestinians and Israelis, through the strengthening of organizations of both civil society, political and social dialogue and knowledge, protection and awareness of the international law and human rights "funded by the AECI and executed by a consortium of 6 organizations Platform 2015 and (ACSUR the Segovias IEPALA , Mundubat, CEAR, Habitáfrica, International Solidarity).

This report analyzes WCLAC through different testimonies of Palestinian women, the effects on the Palestinian population in the colonies and violations of international law.

One of the objectives of this paper is to highlight the impact of gender in employment and how women are particularly affected by the specific violations of their rights. So through an analysis based on international law issues are discussed as settler violence against Palestinians, harassment, arrests, arbitrary imprisonment, the effects of the wall and check points, displacement, problems family reunification.

For each of these issues is a summary of the issue, a legal analysis and finally the testimony of women.

Voices of Women. In the shadow of the settlement (PDF - 3.1 MB)

Netanyahu will support the military conscription law by including Arabs and ultra-Orthodox
Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has said that only will support the new law on military recruitment and national service if it includes all Israeli citizens, including Arab and the ultra-Orthodox population.

"Do not take a vote a law that does not require the recruitment equal to ultra-Orthodox and Arabs," said Netanyahu, as reported by the Israeli daily Haaretz.

The prime minister has given response to the news and who reported that the Act may, exempting students from the 'yeshiva' (center studies the Torah and the Talmud for Orthodox youth) of compulsory military service in exchange for meet civil service would be extended to support this group. This Act was declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court in February, expires in August.

Before Netanyahu's statements, members of the Yisrael Beitenu coalition and HaBayit Hayehudi, had announced their withdrawal from Plesner Committee - which is trying the case - arguing that "the Israeli public is favoring Arabic."

Moreover, a source close to Netanyahu said that the head of state will meet with Kadima leader and member of the coalition government, Shaul Mofaz, to discuss "how to fix the problem created by the committee."

Israel completes evacuation of West Bank enclave

The last family of an Israeli enclave in the West Bank, which must be vacated for the July 1, left Monday night home after initially refusing, which was completed three-day eviction without major incidents present.

Although some young people of a movement in favor of settlements barricaded themselves inside one of the homes to protest the operation, police officials said that so far there has been no confrontation with them.

"There are some young people in one building and the police are monitoring the area in case there are any complications, but so far nothing has happened," the spokesman told Xinhua on the Israel Police, Mickey Rosenfeld, without giving more details on whether the police will force young people to leave.

The last family, said Rosenfeld, left peacefully at night, though initially opposed to being evicted and refused to allow government employees pack their belongings in boxes.

The Ulpana neighborhood built outside the settlement Beit El near Ramallah, West Bank, will be relocated to another area for the July 1, after the Supreme Court determined that the five buildings were illegal because they were built on Palestinian land private.

Despite government attempts to postpone the demolition of the neighborhood, the Supreme Court refused appeals to delay the demolition, but approved the transfer of buildings rather than demolish them.

The 33 families who lived in the enclave were placed in modular homes in the Beit El settlement until the conclusion of the transfer of their homes.